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~ Deep in their roots, all flowers hold the light ~

Frequently Asked Questions

~Are my therapy sessions kept confidential? All sessions and conversations between a therapist and a client must be kept confidential. This includes the handling of files that contain case notes, records, assessment results and the contents of a session (including whether or not you even attend). If there is a need or desire to disclose information from files with another professional (such as a medical doctor, lawyer, pastor, probation officer, or third-party billing source), you will be consulted first and asked to sign a release of information document. Such information will not be revealed to outside sources unless you have given written permission to do so, or as required by law. Instances in which confidential information may be disclosed are as follows: 1. If the therapist believes on reasonable grounds, that disclosure is necessary to eliminate or reduce significant, imminent risk of serious bodily harm (includes physical or psychological harm) to themselves or anyone else. 2. If the therapist has reasonable grounds to suspect that the client or another vulnerable person (such as a child or elderly individual) is in need of protection due to physical harm, neglect or sexual abuse. 3. If it is deemed necessary for legal proceedings, in which a court order or summons is presented to the therapist for his/her court attendance and/or for a production of client records. 4. If the client reveals that they have been abused by another helping service professional (such as a physician, psychologist, nurse, chiropractor, social worker, dentist, etc.), the therapist is required to report the information to that professional’s regulating body. 5. For the purpose of contacting a relative, friend or potential substitute decision-maker of the client, if the client is injured, incapacitated or ill and unable to give consent personally. 6. To a regulatory college, for the purpose of administration or enforcement of professional regulation and quality assurance (for example, providing information about a client to a regulatory college if a complaint has been made against the therapist, for the purpose of assessing the therapist’s practice).

~How many sessions will I need? What can I expect from my first session? To experience progress, you are most likely to benefit when committed to a period of regular weekly or bi-weekly sessions at the beginning of therapy. Once you have gone through a course of therapy and experienced progress in the areas you came in for, you may then benefit from less frequent visits that can be thought of as "check-ins" or "maintenance”. The number of sessions needed varies from person to person, as there are several factors that impact session frequency (availability and scheduling, finances, readiness and commitment to the change process, individual needs and the nature of one's therapy goals). It is also common for one’s therapy goals to shift and expand as treatment progresses and self-discovery unfolds. During the first intake session, we will discuss the therapy process, confidentiality and informed consent. We will also explore your individual needs, concerns and goals so that we can tailor treatment towards your therapeutic goals.

~What are the fees? How do I pay? *The rate for an individual counselling or integration therapy session is $165 per 50 min session. *The rate for an Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) session is $230 per 90 minute session. *The rate for an individual integrative Reiki healing session is $125 per 60 minute session (child sessions for ages 11 and under are 45 mins and $95). Visit the link on the "services" page for access to a detailed Reiki session guide. *Please inquire within for details and pricing of upcoming psycho-educational and healing workshops available or visit my facebook page. *Please inquire within for 1:1 and group yoga session rates (service coming soon!). All clients will be asked to provide a credit card number to remain on file in order to reserve an appointment, which will be charged 24 hours prior to your appointment. If you would prefer to make a payment via e-transfer please email it to no later than 24 hours before your session to avoid your credit card on file being charged. Any outstanding amounts must be paid in order to continue with your scheduled sessions or to schedule any future appointments. If payment becomes a concern, please discuss it with me in session to avoid service charges for late payment or more active efforts to secure overdue statements.

~What is your cancellation/reschedule policy? As the scheduling of a counselling appointment involves the reservation of time set aside just for you, a late cancellation or missed appointment leaves a gap in my day that could have been filled by another patient and equates to loss of income for myself. Payment is expected for any missed session, unless the appointment is cancelled at least 24 hours in advance. If you arrive late or leave early, you will still be charged the full session fee and will not benefit from the full regular 50 minutes of direct therapeutic contact. Please note: if you fail to give 24 hour notice of cancellation, your credit card on file will be charged the full amount.

~Can I claim your services through my health insurance benefits? Fees may be covered through employment benefits packages. It is the responsibility of all clients to inquire about services and accepted designations with their private insurance company or workplace benefits provider in order to determine coverage for services provided. If credentials are requested, my designated title is counselling therapist/clinical counsellor and I hold a Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology, registered with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA) #11242727 as a Canadian Certified Counsellor as well as a Counselling Therapist designation with the Association of Counselling Therapy of Alberta (ACTA) #2673. Many health insurance plans cover up to a set amount a year. I do not offer direct billing, but I will provide a receipt which you can submit for reimbursement. Please contact your insurance carrier directly to inquire about your eligibility.

~What qualifications and training do you have? I currently hold a Master of Arts Degree in Counselling Psychology from Yorkville University with a Canadian Certified Counsellor designation (CCC) with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA) #11242727 as well as a Counselling Therapist designation with the Association of Counselling Therapy of Alberta (ACTA) #2673. Some of the more extensive and focused training I have includes: -Bachelor of Education degree from the University of Alberta with several years of experience as a teacher and school support counsellor. -Certified ART (Accelerated Resolution Therapy) therapist. -Training in Body-Oriented Trauma Counselling, Polyvagal Theory, Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). -Mindfulness-Informed Professional Certification -200 hr Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) – in progress -Psychedelic Harm Reduction and Integration (PHRI) program completion. -Usui Reiki Master/Teacher training and attunement. In addition to a therapeutic approach that integrates principles from a variety of psychotherapy methods, I also offer parent coaching, psycho-educational workshops and holistic services to enhance your therapeutic journey. Holistic services (such as 1:1 or group Yoga and Reiki) are booked separately and are not integrated during a counselling session.

~How do I know you are the right therapist for me? I believe it is important to find a therapist that is a good fit, so that you feel comfortable and adequately supported during the therapeutic process. Before we work together, I offer a free 10-minute phone consultation to better understand your needs and to explore your healing options. If you have a therapeutic need that is outside my scope of practice, I am also happy to refer someone with specialized training that can better meet your needs.

My Therapeutic Approach

I offer an integrative therapeutic and wellness practice that utilizes evidence-informed approaches for therapy in order for you to heal, grow and reach your full potential. I provide a straight-forward, compassionate and judgement-free space where you can tell your story and embark on your journey of self-discovery and healing from deep within your roots. You will be supported, encouraged and empowered to forge your unique and authentic path of healing so that you can manage stress, reframe thoughts and stories, interrupt unhelpful patterns, transform relationships and address your suffering from a place of strength.

My trauma-informed approach integrates principles from the theories of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Solution-Focused Therapy, Narrative Therapy and Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). I also have additional training in Mindfulness, Polyvagal Theory and Somatic Experiencing to help facilitate a mind-body reconnection that is necessary to reclaim power over oneself and cultivate safety and tolerance for processing trauma and difficult emotions.

"Healing does not mean the pain never existed... it means the damage no longer controls our lives"

When the roots are deep, there is no reason to fear the wind..jpg
My Approach
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