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Connection  ~  Integration  ~  Growth

Andrea Salway, Counselling Therapist & Parenting Guide

Welcome! I am Andrea Salway from BEyond Therapy Counselling & Holistic Services.

As a counseling therapist and parenting coach with over 15 years of experience, I have dedicated my life to supporting both youth and adults in navigating their personal challenges. My practice is enriched by my diverse experiences across various settings, including parent coaching, mental health education, and community volunteering. I am also a Reiki Master/Teacher practitioner, a certified Mindfulness Practitioner, and I am currently completing my certification as a yoga instructor.

My journey is deeply personal. As a mother of six and a professional committed to the well-being of others, I have developed a profound compassion for those who are struggling. My varied roles—as a therapist, teacher, school support counselor, business owner, and mental health educator—have all deepened my understanding of the human condition and fueled my desire to help people heal from trauma and grow through life’s challenges.

I believe that one of the most critical relationships we have is with ourselves. The journey of self-understanding is, in my view, the most important one we can undertake. While relationships can be a source of pain and adversity, they are also the very medium through which we can heal, transform, and find strength. It is through healthy relationships with both self and community that we can mend our wounds and turn our scars into resources of empowerment.

My approach is integrative and trauma-informed, drawing on principles from several evidence-based psychological theories. I have also received specialized training in Mindfulness, Polyvagal Theory, and Somatic Experiencing, which allows me to facilitate the crucial mind-body reconnection necessary for healing. This approach helps individuals reclaim their autonomy, cultivate safety, and develop the tolerance needed to process trauma and difficult emotions.

I am deeply passionate about walking alongside people on their journey of healing and self-discovery. My mission is to help individuals find connection, gain insight, and develop the strength to overcome life’s challenges, healing not just for themselves but for the generations that follow.

Therapeutic Services

~In-person and virtual counselling for ages 8+ 
~ART is a very focused eye movement and somatic processing therapy that produces quick, effective and safe results in treating trauma, PTSD, anxiety, depression, phobias, grief, addiction, boundaries, self-esteem, relationship issues and more for both adults and children in as little as 1-5 sessions. After the completion of treatment, the evidence shows that changes made during ART sessions are long-lasting. Click here for more info.
*ART is not the same as EMDR, though both modalities use eye movements. 
*ART sessions are offered in-person only!
~Are you a parent seeking valuable insights and practical strategies that lead to lasting change?
~Do you find yourself overwhelmed, caught in the chaos of parenting?
~Are you feeling like your family is struggling to find a sense of calm or to connect & communicate effectively?
If you answered 'YES' to any of the above, I encourage you to apply to be a part of my 3-step guided parenting program. For more information click HERE.
To apply, please book an intake consultation call here:
~In-person psycho-educational workshops for small groups that can be tailored to suit the needs of the group.
Please visit my Facebook page for any upcoming public event and/or workshop dates:

~These sessions use a harm-reduction approach to provide support for people who have experienced, or are considering preparing for, the use of psychedelics.

*Please Note: I do not provide psychoactive substances or make recommendations on their use. Psychedelic integration is not about encouraging the consumption of psychedelics; it is about harm reduction and integrating the experience into long-lasting, positive changes that enhance personal insight and overall well-being for day-to-day living.

Holistic Services

*Please note: the following services are booked separately and are not integrated during a counselling session.

~Integrative Reiki
 healing sessions are offered for all ages to clear the mind, improve focus and balance, create deep relaxation, release tension and trapped emotions, reframe belief patterns and dissolve energy blocks that promote insight, connection and balance between body, mind and spirit. 
~These uniquely integrative sessions offer a unique blend of different healing modalities such as Reiki energy healing, somatic release techniques, breath work, sound therapy, intuitive insights and guidance, to provide deeper levels of insight, nurturing, healing, and release.
Click the link for a detailed Reiki session guide which outlines the benefits, what to expect and how it works. To book online, click

~Individual and group yoga sessions for trauma and anxiety to complement the therapeutic journey and help clients enhance their health and build their "resilience toolbox".
*Coming soon, not currently booking*


I have the privilege of providing services to help individuals with a wide range of needs, such as:


~Anxiety and stress management

~Parenting and relationship challenges

~Wellness and coping skills



~Moving through grief and loss

~Addressing fear, anger and sadness


~Boundaries, communication and assertiveness

~Managing difficult emotions

~Discovering passion and purpose

~Cultivating self-compassion, self-forgiveness and self-love

~Adjusting to life transitions

~Achieving balance

~Developing inner strength and courage

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Let's Connect!

Please use the form on this page to get in touch with me about any questions you may have of to inquire about booking.

10011 92 St #302, Grande Prairie, AB T8V 7T5

Tel: 780-814-8812

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"People don't need to be saved.
They need knowledge of their own power and how to access it".

© 2023 by BEyond Therapy Counselling & Holistic Services

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